Jose L. Soria has over twenty years of legal experience and devotes over 75% of his practice to bankruptcy law. Mr. Soria can counsel you through the bankruptcy process and provides services in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, please fill out the inquiry form for a personal consultation with Mr. Soria. Mr. Soria also provides child support and family law services. As a former attorney with the Attorney General’s Office, Mr. Soria has a combined service with that agency of thirteen years as a staff attorney, managing attorney, regional counsel, and special litigator. During his time with the Attorney General’s Office, Mr. Soria has represented the agency in child support hearings in state court and federal courts.
Licenses and Professional Organizations
Licensed by the Texas Supreme Court 1986
Licensed by the United States Court, Western District of Texas 1987
Licensed by the United States Court, Southern District of Texas 2009
Member of San Antonio Bankruptcy Association since 2003
Fluent in English and Spanish
Hablamos Espanol
Consulta Gratis
Doctor of Jurisprudence
University of Texas School of Law 1986 Master of Arts
University of Texas at San Antonio 1983 Bachelor of Arts
University of Texas at San Antonio 1980
Oliver Wendell Holmes High School, San Antonio, Texas 1976
The Law Office of Jose L. Soria
is a law firm located in San Antonio that deals primarily
with Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.
The law firm also does legal work in the areas of family law, such as child support and divorce. Also, we handle traffic tickets and probate. If you are struggling with any of these important issues, this law firm can help you.
Are you struggling financially due to credit card debt, medical bills, pay day loans, foreclosures, unsecured loans, wage garnishments, repossessions, judgments, or deficiency judgments or any other type of debt? Would you be interested in getting a fresh start financially?
If the answer is YES, then filing bankruptcy may be an option for you and San Antonio Bankruptcy Attorney Jose
Soria can help. For immediate assistance please call 210.549-8049. If you live in the greater San Antonio area and would like to schedule a free consultation with a bankruptcy attorney, to find out if bankruptcy is right for you, then please contact us to schedule an appointment.
Our consultations are offered free of charge, and we offer them in English and Spanish. If you live in Texas but outside the greater San Antonio area please submit your contact information including where you live and your personal email if possible. Mr. Soria can provide you with representation and excellent services in other areas of the Texas.
Schedule a Free Consultation
Schedule a consultation with our Law Firm!
Once we receive your information,
we will contact you shortly.
San Antonio Bankruptcy Attorney Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at tellus quis sem scelerisque sollicitudin ut quis neque. Proin nec pellentesque tellus, vel ullamcorper erat. Pellentesque et porta urna. Nunc eu libero cursus, ornare nisl in, ullamcorper sapien. Cras finibus libero sed dui mollis accumsan. Suspendisse vehicula purus ac diam convallis, ac tempus risus sagittis. Nunc malesuada enim velit. Vivamus sagittis ipsum vitae sem mollis maximus. Nullam quis gravida tellus. Integer quis ultricies urna. Nunc accumsan sollicitudin ipsum, vitae pharetra libero. Suspendisse interdum placerat suscipit.
Nam hendrerit tortor interdum massa molestie sollicitudin. Nulla faucibus varius nulla, vel faucibus velit faucibus sed. Aliquam efficitur interdum arcu quis sodales. Maecenas a quam semper urna pretium sollicitudin accumsan in justo. Aliquam ut pretium orci. Ut auctor eros non risus auctor, nec placerat arcu hendrerit. Curabitur commodo, purus vitae commodo varius, risus risus hendrerit orci, eget rhoncus massa augue at justo. Cras feugiat aliquam tempus. Ut rutrum eu tellus non sollicitudin. Aliquam ultrices lorem et justo malesuada dignissim.
Vestibulum a diam eget metus varius sodales ac sed neque. In non metus bibendum, fermentum neque a, pharetra nibh. Fusce ultrices cursus ligula et luctus. Aliquam ac congue mi. Nulla ac metus porta, placerat risus et, congue risus. Donec massa est, euismod ac tellus a, feugiat vulputate velit. Nulla malesuada libero eget feugiat mollis. Nullam molestie enim id risus luctus tristique sit amet at arcu. Phasellus sagittis massa in sagittis aliquam. Vivamus id lorem ac tellus placerat tempus sed a libero. Duis scelerisque lobortis orci faucibus interdum. Cras elementum ante quis finibus eleifend. Praesent in nunc a velit dictum pulvinar. Donec egestas ultricies dignissim.
Nulla ut orci vestibulum, vehicula neque at, pharetra nisl. Praesent metus dolor, imperdiet et tincidunt id, viverra sed diam. Donec ante augue, aliquam non pulvinar quis, laoreet nec ligula. Suspendisse scelerisque ultricies mattis. Vivamus nisi eros, mollis non dapibus quis, egestas sed lacus. Sed lobortis varius odio, in ultrices erat imperdiet quis. Etiam sit amet velit posuere, commodo justo nec, faucibus justo.